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Cosen Saws
Cosen Saws 2022 Open House
by: Arjun Patel
June 30th, 2022 3:00 PM EST
The Cosen Saws Open House highlighted everything the company has to offer.

The Cosen Saws Open House took place during the week of June 6th. There were over 100 attendees that came from all over North America. The last Cosen Saws Open House took place in 2020 and was a virtual event and last in-person Open House was in 2018. After four years, Cosen Saws was excited to have everybody back to show off machines and talk about the current state of the band saw industry as well as give people a chance to finally put names with faces and meet everyone.
Over the week, a variety of topics were covered including Cosen’s company overview, products, future outlook, competition, and marketing and sales efforts. Cosen said they believed it was important for everyone to know exactly what direction they are headed as a company and the framework in place to achieve those goals. Another important topic of discussion was regarding the global supply chain issues. Cosen spoke on the issues the entire band saw industry is going through with not having inventory and how they plan to combat the issue within the next year.
Attendees also got to explore and learn about many different Cosen band saws. The machines on display included Cosen’s AV-2026NC, V-2026NC, G320, C-3, C-650MNC, C-520NC, SH-500M, MH-1016JA, and SH-350DM. This wide variety ensured that there was something relevant for everyone to see and learn about. Cosen experts were stationed at these machines to help demonstrate the features and to answer any questions attendees had.

There were also two additional days of the open house that were dedicated to service training. This took place later in the week and was attended by technicians that often work on Cosen machines. The training was led by the in-house Cosen Saws service team and covered more in-depth topics regarding servicing Cosen band saws. Attending and completing the training also earned the technicians a certificate for Cosen Service Technical Training.
Overall the Cosen Saws Open House and Service Training was a successful event with attendees that came from all over North America. It gave Cosen an opportunity to highlight their products and business efforts to the public as well as train technicians on Cosen machines.